Clive Lee (2012 Chinese Delegate)


“ACYD is the best program I have ever joined across the globe and nothing compares with it! A fresh source of inspiration from prestigious speakers across all sectors, e.g. international relations, government, finance, energy, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, environment, social entrepreneurship and also social sectors within 7 days. Speakers included HE Ms Frances Adamson, Ambassador of Australia, Mr. Chistophe Bahuet, China Country Director of the United Nations Development Programme, Ms. Jing Ulrich, J.P. Morgan’s Managing Director and Chairman of Global Markets, China and etc. Their holistic views about Sino-Australia relationship will blow your mind away, and sometimes, their differing opinions will challenge your perceptions. It is very challenging, exciting, rewarding and enjoyable!

My addiction of ACYD also comes from the non-stop exchange between delegates whom had very unique and diverse backgrounds regarding their values, beliefs, knowledge, expertise and collaboration! The ACYD provides a foundation for us to begin our dialogue to understand one another and move forward to reach our common goal of world peace, sustainability and collaborative development! We are now working together on a white paper which may inspire the future generations about how the Sino-Australia relationship can develop for the certainty of goodness for our world! ACYD is not only a program but a journey for all of us and the journey has just begun!”

中澳青年对话”是一个无与伦比的活动!」这样说足以说明这是我参加过最高水平的国际青年会议! 一周的思想盛宴,让你身处世界的顶端,看到不一样的画面!你将遇见世界级的讲者, 如澳大利亚驻北京大使,联合国发展计划中国总监, JP Morgan中国全球市场董事总经理兼主席等. 内容广泛,从政治,国际关系,经济商业,文化艺术, 环境保育,能源,非牟利发展,社会创新等均一一涵盖.从他们对于中澳关系的宏观看法,并与之深入交流,你将得到无法想像的思想冲击,激荡和启发!我对于“中澳青年对话”的深爱还来自于中澳两方各个专业的代表,与其高水平的交流,分享大家的不同观点,信念与价值,如何达到协同效应.我們現在正在共同撰写一份文件, 希望可以启发未来中澳关系的友好发展!“中澳青年对话”不单是一个交流活动,而是一个共同探索的旅程,现在这个旅程才刚要 开始!