Congratulations to Elizabeth Payne the inaugural winner of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Alumni Prize for the ACYD


ACYD and the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific are proud to announce the inaugural winner of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Alumni Prize for the Australia-China Youth Dialogue is Elizabeth Payne. As one of the original supporters of the ACYD, ANU has this year made possible a supplementary travel grant of A$500 to one alumna or alumnus of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific who is also selected for the ACYD. ANU makes the award in recognition of the positive impact of ANU alumni on Sino-Australian relations and to promote further collaboration and understanding between Australia and the Asia Pacific region.

Elizabeth PAYNE

Elizabeth has extensive policy and research experience and has held roles with the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) in China, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Kenya, with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group (APEC), and with the Australian Government. Her research interests are in climate change and environmental sustainability, developmental health policy, and indigenous affairs. Elizabeth speaks English, Chinese and Spanish.

As an environmental health officer with the WHO in China, Elizabeth was involved on three Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Joint Programmes: a USD$19 million Climate Change Partnership Framework, a USD$5.8 million Governance for Water and Sanitation in China, and a USD$7.6 million Migrants and Youth Unemployment Programme. She was also involved in the development and roll out of the first Drink and Drive Intervention Education Campaign in China – the first of its kind in the country – in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Health and China’s Global Road Safety Partnership Initiative.

Elizabeth holds a Masters of Public Policy (International Policy) from Australian National University. During her Masters, Elizabeth represented Australia at an International Symposium in Japan, hosted by Waseda University, in which participants debated the viability of an East Asian Free Trade Agreement. She also has a Bachelor of Business (International Business), a Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) and a First Class Honours in Business from the University of South Australia.

Elizabeth has a passion for world affairs and travel and has spent six years of her life working and studying abroad in a diverse range of countries including China, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, the United States, and Kenya.